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The Larkspur plant is easily recognizable thanks to its airy, towering spikes of beautiful blossoms. While the most commonly found hue of these soaring beauties is blue, they also can be found in violet, white, red, yellow, and pink varieties. At full maturity, the traditional species of this plant can reach up to nine feet or more, while more modern versions will reach a maximum height of around four feet. A member of the Ranunculaceae family, this flower's regal spikes are long-lasting, even after they've been cut. The plant can be found in annuals, biennials, and perennials. Native to the Northern Hemisphere, this graceful plant can be referred to as Delphinium, Lark's Claw, Knight's Spur, Consolida Ajacis, and Lark's Heel. Larkspur's Attributes One of the biggest attributes that set the plant aside from the rest is how its petals mature. You'll start to see this plant flower in late spring to late summer. They grow together to create a hollow-like pocket. This pocket will have between two and five spurs near its apex. Each flower will possess a black or white center, which is known as a bee. The Perennial's Appearance Its leaves are widely unique in size and style. This plant usually has between three and seven lobed, palmate leaves. The lobes will vary in number and size depending on the individual plant species. Its deep green, soft, fern-like foliage provides the perfect backdrop for its summertime blooms.  Benefits Of The Plant Larkspur plant is known to be deer and drought-resistant. It's very low-maintenance, making it the perfect colorful addition to any household garden. This herbaceous plant will be sure to attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds throughout the warmer months of the year. Many landscapers will choose to use this versatile plant for garden edging, backdrops, and walkways. Its horizontal prowess, combined with its unusually beautiful hues, makes it one-of-a-kind in the horticultural world. Shop Our Collection At Garden Plant Nursery

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Lily Of The Valley Plant

Lily Of The Valley Plant

The beautiful Lily of the Valley thrives in many kinds of climates. Those who want to plant it find it does best in zones three through nine.One of the most delightful things about the plant is that it has a relatively long bloom season. Gardeners can expect to see it start to bloom early in the spring for about three to four weeks. This period starts later and extends longer for those who live in more northerly climates. Lily Of The Valley's Bloom Color The standard plant color is a soft white. It's a more off white with hints of darker shades. However, some versions have a hint of pink while others are completely pink. The Rosea variant comes in either a hint of purple or entirely mauve. The Perennial's Height at Maturity A bush typically grows to about a foot in height. This is one flower that likes a rich soil with plenty of nutrients. It's also a flower that prefers lots of moisture in order to grow to its full height and show off those attractive blooms. When planting, look for spaces that have at least partial shade. The plant doesn't do well in full sun. This is a good choice in ground cover next to a full grown tree. Dappled sunlight will help it thrive and add beauty to any yard. Get Yours Today At Garden Plant Nursery A Lily of the Valley isn't even a lily. In fact, it's a member of the asparagus plant family. This is one people like in many parts of the world. The small leaves surround delicate flowers with an understated scent. Gardeners appreciate the plant because it is a relatively hardly plant that can thrive under varied types of conditions. Begin planting in early spring and watch flowers bloom a short time later.

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Lily Pads

Lily Pads

Lily pads, scientifically known as "Nymphaea," are aquatic plants that belong to the family Nymphaeaceae. They are widely recognized for their iconic round, flat leaves that float on the surface of ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams. These fascinating plants have captured the imagination of people for centuries due to their unique characteristics and aesthetic appeal. They are primarily found in freshwater habitats across the globe, with the majority of species inhabiting tropical and temperate regions. The leaves are characterized by their circular or heart-shaped appearance, which allows them to float effortlessly on the water's surface. The undersides of these leaves contain tiny hairs that help trap air, providing buoyancy and allowing the lily pads to stay afloat. Their primary function is to provide shade and protection for aquatic creatures living beneath them. They are essential habitats for marine organisms, including fish, insects, frogs, and microorganisms. The shade they provide helps regulate water temperature and reduces the growth of algae, which can be beneficial for maintaining water quality in aquatic ecosystems.   Lily Pads Are Known For Their Beautiful Flowers   They come in various colors like white, pink, and yellow. These fragrant flowers often emerge above the water's surface on tall stalks and are pollinated by insects like bees and beetles. After pollination, the flowers give way to fruit-containing seeds, which can help in the propagation and dispersal of lily pad plants. Significance Of The Perennial In some cultures, they hold symbolic significance. For example, in ancient Egypt, they were associated with rebirth and the cycle of life due to their ability to rise from the muddy depths of ponds to produce stunning flowers. In conclusion, lily pads are remarkable aquatic plants that play a vital role in the ecology of freshwater ecosystems. Their unique structure, floating leaves, and beautiful flowers make them a fascinating subject of study and inspiration for artists and nature enthusiasts alike.   Buy Today At Garden Plant Nursery

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Lyreleaf Sage

Lyreleaf Sage

Lyreleaf sage, scientifically known as Salvia lyrata, is a charming and versatile perennial herbaceous plant native to the southeastern United States. This herb belongs to the Lamiaceae family, which includes other well-known aromatic herbs like mint and rosemary. Lyreleaf sage is cherished for its ornamental value, historical medicinal uses, and ecological significance. The Leaves Of The Perennial The most distinctive feature of Lyreleaf sage is its deeply lobed, lyre-shaped leaves, which give the plant its common name. These leaves are typically a rich shade of green and are covered with fine hairs, giving them a slightly fuzzy texture. In the spring and early summer, Lyreleaf sage produces slender spikes of tubular flowers that range in color from lavender and blue to white. These blossoms attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, making them a helpful complement to pollinator-friendly gardens.   Lyreleaf Sage Is Known For Its Adaptability   Lyreleaf sage is known for its adaptability and can thrive in various soil types, including well-drained sandy soils and clay soils. It is also susceptible to complete sun and partisan shade, making it a versatile choice for gardeners. This plant's ability to self-sow and naturalize in wild areas makes it a favorite among native plant enthusiasts.  Whether you're interested in creating a wildlife-friendly garden or seeking an attractive native plant for your landscape, Lyreleaf sage is a fantastic choice. Its striking foliage, vibrant flowers, and historical significance make it a valuable addition to gardens across its native range and beyond.   Buy At Garden Plant Nursery

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Maximilian Sunflower

Maximilian Sunflower

The Maximilian Sunflower (Helianthus maximiliani) is a native North American wildflower belonging to the sunflower family Asteraceae. This striking plant is named after the 19th-century Austrian Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian, an avid botanist. It is commonly found throughout the central and western regions of the United States, particularly in the Great Plains and the Midwest. They are known for their tall, robust stalks reaching heights up to 10 feet (3 meters) or more. The plant features distinctive lance-shaped leaves that are alternately arranged along the stem, and the leaves can vary in size but are typically 3 to 8 inches long. One of the most striking features of this sunflower species is its bright yellow flowers, which usually have numerous narrow petals surrounding a prominent dark brown or black center. These flowers can measure up to 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter and are on branching stems. This species typically blooms from late summer into early fall, attracting pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and other insects, with its abundant nectar and pollen. Their seeds are an essential food source for birds, particularly in the winter months. Where To Plant This Perennial They are well-suited to various growing conditions, including prairies, meadows, and open woodlands. They are hardy and adaptable, thriving in well-drained soils and full sun. Their deep roots make them drought-resistant and an excellent choice for xeriscaping and natural landscaping.   Maximilian Sunflowers Are Valued For Their Beauty   Gardeners and conservationists value them for their beauty, ability to attract wildlife, and role in soil stabilization. They are often used in native plant gardens and restoration projects to enhance biodiversity and support local ecosystems. Additionally, they have cultural significance for some Native American tribes, who have utilized various parts of the plant for traditional medicinal and ceremonial purposes. In summary, the Maximilian Sunflower is a tall and vibrant native wildflower that adds beauty and ecological value to North American landscapes. Its resilience, attractive appearance, and role in supporting pollinators and wildlife make it a popular choice for gardeners and conservationists.   Get Yours At Garden Plant Nursery

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The Mayapple will be a delightful addition to your Spring garden. It is very easy to plant, and it will grow happily and with very minimal maintenance. Gardeners and landscapers enjoy the distinctive beauty of the plant. The leaves of the plant are large, and striking in color and colossal mass. This perennial plant will look beautiful for months to come. The Growth Of Mayapple It will grow to a height of about 12 inches to a max of 18 inches. The leaves will actually grow to more than 12 inches in witdh. The plant is known as a species of podophyllum peltatum. It sometimes goes by the name of duck's foot. It is a member of the Japanese barberry family. A part of the plant, grown on the leaf as a small fruit, is considered edible by some researchers. If eaten, it should be only when the apple is fully ripe. The colors of the leaf will vary throughout the season. It will start off as a variation of olive green. Throughout the shades of olive green, there will also be a copper hue that will be evident in the early growing stages of the Spring. For most of the zones, this would be in the month of May and a bit sooner in zone 5. Later in the season, expect a change of color to solid green. It is not unusual to get variations of colors from leaf to leaf. Where To Plant This Perennial Mayapple plants are found in the northeastern areas of North America. They typically are known to prosper best in zones 3 to 8. It is recommended to plant it in a sunny area in a moist soil and compost. In a more shady area, a plant will do best with abundant water. The plant will blossom in the early summer, and possibly even as early as May in some climates. Shop At Garden Plant Nursery

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Milkweed Plant

Milkweed Plant

Milkweed is an easy-to-grow plant that is ideal, some would say essential, for many butterfly gardens. Several characteristics that will appeal to gardeners and butterfly watchers alike include its size, flowering time, sturdiness, and it’s natural attraction for butterflies. The Milkweed plant is typically found in Zones 3 to 9. It enjoys full sun but can deal with a bit of shade here and there. Milkweeds usually appear in bunches of strong green stalks that could reach up to 5 feet high but typically 2 to 4 feet. Thanks to the sturdy nature of these stems, there is no need to prop them up; they will stand on their own. The leaves are various shades of green, thick, and strong. They grow to about 6 to 8 inches long and 2 to 4 inches wide. It is ideal for planting to place these about 18 inches apart. Additionally, this plant requires no fertilizers and does well in less than perfect soil. Flowers pods from the Milkweed grow from the top of the plant and usually are found in small groups producing many flowers at once. The flowers grow to about .75 inches and .4 inches wide. They are generally light to dark pink in color and let off a lovely sweet scent. The Perennial's Fruit Pods Fruit pods also grow on the Milkweed. They are about 4 inches long and are shaped like a sphere, with little nubs growing on them. The pods start out green and as they mature, will turn brown. At this stage, they can be used for flower arrangements. Once they dry completely, they will split open. Many seeds can be taken from 1 pod. Milkweed Plant Is Vital Butterfly Garden Plant Finally, the Milkweed is an ideal and vital plant for Monarch Butterflies. Not only do they eat the leaves, but they also form their chrysalis and mature and hatch on the very same plant. Shop At Garden Plant Nursery

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Mitchella Repens

Mitchella Repens

Mitchella Repens is a native perennial ground cover that will add interest to that not so attractive shady spot under the trees. It features a small, woody, trailing vine with 6 to 12 inch, thin, stringing stems. It is not a climber but spreads out on the ground. The stringers will root in node spots and continue to fill in the space nicely. Mitchella Repens Leaves The leaves sport a lovely dark evergreen year round. They are about a half an inch wide with light yellow leaf ribbing. Late in spring, little white flowers appear. The flowers will bloom into early summer. The flowers are loaded with scent and freshen up the whole yard. Later in the season, little red berries will appear to add even more interest. These berries will last all winter. They will invite a few woodland creatures and birds to come visit, as they love to eat these berries. It thrives well in rich organic soils that are shady. It is truly a winter show off. The dark green leaves with its red berries just look so festive. Although the seeds will sprout 2 years after maturing, the best way to plant this ground cover will start will from one-year-old cuttings. The Perennial's Benefits Once Mitchella Repens is established and hardy, it is low maintenance and easy to keep under control. For an abundance of color and scent, the Mitchella Repens is a great ground cover for shady spots in your landscaping. Check with your local garden supply or use the internet to research and insure that the plant will thrive in your shaded areas. The once dull, lifeless areas of your landscaping will look more like a festive party when planted with this enchanting ground cover. Get Yours At Garden Plant Nursery

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Monarda Bee Balm

Monarda Bee Balm

The Monarda Bee Balm plant is a North American perennial plant that does well in woodland areas. It is a genus of blooming plants in the mint family Lamiaceae. The common plant names include Oswego, bergamot, and horsemint. They do well in the sun and well-drained, moist soil. The plants that are grown in partial shade produce fewer flowers and spread horizontally. Monarda Bee Balm Gets Quite Large A mature plant is 24 to 48 inches high and 12 inches wide. The plant does well in a rich and wet soil with a pH range of 6.5. The plant is known to grow best in the hardiness zones 4 to 9. The plant has a flower that is open and is shaped like a daisy with tube-shaped petals in the gloom of purple, white, red and pink. There are fifteen kinds and over fifty different cultivars of the plant that are grown in gardens, while some are found in the wild. Their plant's flowering period is in the months of July to August. The Perennial Has A Rich History The Monarda Bee Balm name is inherent to North America got its botanical name form a Spanish physician in the 16th century, Nicholas Mornadez. He was the first to discover and define the plant. Early American settlers called it Oswego since it was being used by the Oswego Indians. Currently, Bergamot is also referred to as Scarlet. • The plant is also preferred by all pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. • It contains high concentrations of thymol, which is a strong antiseptic found in mouthwash. Hardy Planting Zones- 4-9 Sun or Shade – Part Shade to Total Sun Mature Height - 3-4' Mature Width- 2-3' Bloom Season – Late Summer Gardener Status- Beginner Soil Type- any moist soil Shop At Garden Plant Nursery

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Narcissus Daffodil

Narcissus Daffodil

Narcissus Daffodil has a trumpet-shaped corona. This distinct shape is set against a star-shaped background, usually in a contrasting color. The corona, also known as cup, is surrounded by six petals that can be round, flat or trumpeted.Other names used to describe this spring flower include jonquil, and daffadowndilly. While widely known as golden yellow spring flowers, they also come in lime green and pink. Common color combinations include white/orange, yellow/orange and yellow/white. The Size Of Narcissus Daffodil They come in a variety of sizes. Stem height starts at 2 inches for the miniature variety, and larger types are up to 3 feet tall. Miniature blooms have half-inch flowers while larger varieties have blooms up to 5 inches in size. They are reliably hardy within USDA zones 3 to 8. Since they’re so robust and versatile, you’ll be able to enjoy their cheerful spring presence even in windy and colder climates where warmer weather is often long in coming. How To Plant This Perennial Plant these perennial bulbs in the fall in well-drained soil at a depth of triple the size of the bulb. Add organic bulb fertilizer right into the planting hole, and place the bulbs with the pointed end up. They do best in full sun, but they’ll be just fine in dappled shade too. Get Yours Today At Garden Plant Nursery For a continuous flower show from March until May, you can plant different varieties that bloom in early, middle and late spring. While they’re actively growing, give them around an inch of water per week until blooms are spent. Mulch will help them conserve moisture. Once Narcissus Daffodils are done blooming in the spring, don’t cut the leaves until they start to turn yellow. Since they easily grow in big clusters, they often cover hillsides and lawns. This makes these spring flowers ideal for turning problem areas into beautiful landscaping. They live for many years and naturalize easily, even in low-maintenance gardens.

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Orange Daylily

Orange Daylily

Hemerocallis fulva, traditionally known as orange daylily, is popular due to its large five diameters orange flower. These lasting herbaceous plants comprise flowering stalks and rosettes of basal leaves approximately 3-6 tall. The plant has basal leaves containing linear parallel veneration and hairless elongated progressively to a sword-like point. It is typically favorite in the garden across the world. The herbaceous perennial plant grows beautifully in full sun and usually brightens corners that appear partly shaded with little maintenance. Caring For The Plant During mid-summer, multi-headed flower scapes are crowned with profound orange trumpets that reveal the good-looking yellow throats and fascinate all modes of pollinators. It is not a fussy species since the herbaceous perennial plant thrives in rich and poor soils. It does grow from a mass of condensed roots that typically hold so many nutrients and moisture that the species can stay alive out of the ground for weeks. The survival classification is the primary reason it has been a world traveler. Benefits Of The Perennial When amassed or grown over a large area, the gorgeous flowers provide color and contrast to gardens, ditches, and fields. It is effective in preventing soil erosion when planted on slants. A few of the upward-facing blossoms are borne at the topmost of the stem. The flowers are orange, unspotted, and funnel-shaped. Depending on the location, the blossoms start from June to early August. This is because it has several buds on every stem. For centuries, the buds have been used for food in Asia; however, the flowers are what the general public adores in North America. The Beauty Of Orange Daylily From Garden Plant Nursery Originally from eastern Asia, orange daylily has become a natural part of the landscape, including eastern Canada, the US, and most European nations. It is a common species and spreads rapidly by field and rhizomes into woods and roadsides. The growing period in the mid-summer usually lasts for a month, each flower lasting only a single day. The tender young leaves, flowers, and buds are non-toxic and eatable to humans. Lastly, White-Tailed Deer and Rabbits crop the young tender leaves during the spring.

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Oxeye Daisy

Oxeye Daisy

The Oxeye Daisy, more typically just called "daisy", is the classic white and yellow flower that is commonly seen in fields and gardens around the world. It's yellow center and stark white surrounding petals evoke feelings of cheerfulness and serenity. The Latin name, Leucanthemum Vulgare means "white flower" and it is typically used to represent patience. The Appearance Of Oxeye Daisy A medium sized plant,it generally grows from one to three feet high and typically can be found with a thin stem and dark green leaves. The flower itself is quite small and dainty, adding an air of elegance and whimsy to wherever it blooms. The ray of petals surrounded by a bright yellow center evokes images of the sun. In fact, it resembles a smaller, more dainty version of a sunflower. It creates a great deal of pollen, in fact, this plant is top rated in pollen production. Where To Plant The Perennial When grown wild, it can be typically found in grasslands such as fields, but can also be found in open forests and other mostly-sunny areas. While this plant is native to Europe and certain parts of Asia, it currently grows abundantly in North America as well. Transform Your Landscape With Plants From Garden Plant Nursery Oxeye Daisy can be a perfect addition to any garden as long as one plants it in the proper conditions. They prefer damp soil and sun, but are capable of blooming in many different conditions; it is quite a resilient flower. They bloom for a long time: from about late spring to autumn, so they have to potential to grace your garden all summer long. Another positive aspect of these plants is that they are perennials, so you won't have to worry about planting them every single year. When planted together in a large group or even a large field, the sprawling sight of many daisies together can be absolutely breathtaking.

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Painted Trillium

Painted Trillium

Painted Trillium is one of the most stunning perennial wildflowers of the North American eastern woodlands, and can be found from the Canadian provinces all the way down the Appalachian forests into Georgia. Also known as the painted lady, the plant's beautiful single white flower has three wavy-edged petals, each bearing a deep scarlet V. These are framed by three deep green bracts that look like leaves, lending the flower a simple elegance that can fit into any garden’s color scheme or style.  The Requirements Of Painted Trillium Flowers appear in late spring, last several weeks, and will grow from eight to 18” tall. They can tolerate almost a wide range of garden conditions, including shade or wet. They do prefer acidic soil, which makes them a perfect companion for dogwood trees, magnolias, and other acid-loving garden plants. In some regions, the plant is known as the laurel trillium, because it is often found flourishing at the roots of woodland laurel. It will thrive even in the deepest shade, making it a perfect adornment for the shady spots in the garden that other flowers can’t manage. Where To Plant This Perennial Once the long-lasting beauty of Painted Trillium fades away, late summer to early fall is the best time to plant new ones. While it’s possible to raise the plant from seed, germination can be dauntingly long, making rhizomes or mature plants a better choice for establishing these pretty blooms in your garden. Once set in, they will slowly establish themselves and reproduce, providing you with snow-white drifts of blossom each May and June. They’re happiest in moist soil rich in organic matter. Mature plants will produce a lovely scarlet berry in the fall, and then return year after year, often for several decades. Shop At Garden Plant Nursery

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Partridge Berry

Partridge Berry

Partridge Berry, Mitchella repens, otherwise known as twinberry or pigeon plum, is a creeping perennial known for its beautiful pairs of white, cruciferous flowers and small red berries. The fruit that the plant produces is edible and, as the name suggests, is regularly eaten by partridges and other birds and animals. While the berries have relatively little flavor, they are reported to have some health benefits and have been used in Native American medicine. How To Grow Partridge Berry   It is a native to the eastern United States and Canada, and is most commonly found within forests, growing in places with limited sunlight or even in complete shade. The flowers tend to form around early spring or summer and the fruit are known to last through the colder months into the following spring. Because of its hardiness in the cold and capacity to grow in shady areas, it is a perfect plant to grow in the winter. Propagating the plant, however, can be very difficult to do from seed, so most gardeners recommend using plants that have already been established.  Benefits Of Planting It   The plant grows low to the ground, generally reaching no taller than 2 inches, and grows well as a groundcover in shaded areas. It also produces vines that will creep along the ground as it grows but will not climb. The leaves of the plant are rounded and grow to produce thick matts of a beautiful deep green. Once established, it needs relatively little maintenance, although it does need moisture to survive and can be sensitive to drought.  The Beautiful Colors Of The Perennial Plant   The beautiful colors of Partridge Berry and its capacity to grow through the winter makes it a must have for those interested in keeping their yard or garden beautiful and productive year round. Whether grown for the berries, or simply for aesthetics, or as a means of filling a shady area, it is a wonderful addition to any landscape. Shop Today At Garden Plant Nursery

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The partridgeberry plant is a low-growing perennial plant native to eastern North America. This fascinating plant belongs to the Rubiaceae family and is a prominent member of the genus Mitchella. It is renowned for its unique characteristics, historical uses, and cultural significance. It is a small, creeping evergreen vine typically reaching heights of only 4-6 inches. It thrives in rich, acidic soils and can be found in various woodland habitats, including forests, swamps, and sandy pine barrens. The plant's leaves are opposite, glossy, and dark green, with a prominent vein running down the center. Its most distinctive feature is the small, trumpet-shaped, white to pale pink flowers that appear in pairs at the base of its leaves during the late spring and early summer. These flowers are often followed by bright red, berry-like fruit, which gives the plant its common name. Partridgeberry Plant Has Traditional And Cultural Significance This plant is a low-growing evergreen vine with delicate red berries near the holiday season. It Is A Unique Perennial In conclusion, it is a unique and culturally significant plant with a rich history of traditional uses. Its charming appearance, low-growth habit, and distinctive red berries make it a noteworthy addition to the natural landscape of eastern North America. It continues to capture the interest and admiration of those who encounter it in the wild, whether for its ecological role or cultural significance. Buy At Garden Plant Nursery

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Pennsylvania Smartweed

Pennsylvania Smartweed

Pennsylvania Smartweed, Persicaria Pennsylvania, is found in many agricultural regions of the state as well as states in the mid-west. It comes from the buckwheat family. It does well in any moist area. It is very hardy and can tolerate sun or partial shade. It is often found in agricultural areas and grows explosively in water basins that have receding waterlines. It loves any moist conditions and it an important food source for aquatic birds.  Pennsylvania Smartweed's Bloom Season and Color The flowers of the plant are greenish-white or may be rosy pink. They are about an eighth of an inch long and contain 5 petals. The flowers appear nearly stalkless. They grow in elongated clusters. Blooms appear May through October. The Perennial's Height at Maturity It is a low growing plant. The height at maturity can be from 30 to 120 centimeters. It produces a huge amount of seed that will repopulate the plant the next season. It must have 60 days of cold weather.  Soil Type Preferred This plant is good ground cover around lakes and ponds. It doesn’t tolerate drought but will flourish in areas that have ebbing and flowing water levels. It’s great for those raising ducks, geese, or waterfowl and will be a replenishable source of food for them. Moist soil is a must for the plant. It does best in marshy ground and will not grow in hard soil or deep water. A few inches of water is fine. It can be grown with flood or overhead irrigation. Buy Today At Garden Plant Nursery Pennsylvania Smartweed is a prevalent wildflower. It is distinguishable by its elongated clusters of spikey light-pink flowers. The stem is very thin, vibrant green, and has a sticky, hairy stem. Leaves are narrow and measure 10 to 15 centimeters. Leaves are identified by a dark green smudge that spans across the midpoint of a light-green vein.

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Periwinkle Plant

Periwinkle Plant

The Periwinkle is a small, somewhat dainty, plant that grows over the ground. It's an ideal plant to consider if you're looking for something to fill in spaces in your flower beds while adding a little bit of color as well as the plant has a light purple appearance. The underside of the flower is usually a bit darker with the center of the flower typically being white. Leaves on the plant grow to about two inches in length when fully mature. The leaves are usually dark green and shiny, making them stand out among other plants you might have. The plant itself can reach heights of about six inches, making it a good option to have with plants like daffodils or tulips so that there is a range of height in your garden. Growing Periwinkle Plant You'll find that it blooms in the spring months of March and April. They can also bloom again during the early fall months. The plant grows in various directions with long trailing as well as shoots that take root in the ground, leading to the plant covering a larger area of space. There are larger types of the plants that grow faster. They typically have leaves that are about three inches long with the petals being about two inches across. Benefits Of Planting The Perennial A benefit of Periwinkle is that it doesn't require a lot of care for it to spread and grow. When the tip of the stem touches the ground, it usually begins to take root in that area. Aside from filling empty spaces in your flower gardens, it can help with controlling erosion, especially on banks in your yard. It's also a plant that is beautiful as it cascades over flower boxes or as it hangs from flower baskets. The plant enjoys being in shady areas, but it can grow in those that are sunny, making it a plant that's ideal for almost any area. The plant is one that doesn't need to be divided as often as others, which means that you can keep it in your garden over a longer period of time. Shop Today At Garden Plant Nursery

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Pink Evening Primrose

Pink Evening Primrose

With a beautiful yet delicate pink appearance, the Pink Evening Primrose is a commonly admired plant. Native to North America, this is a quick-growing herbaceous, biennial flower. When it reaches maturity, it will be between three and five feet tall and two to three feet wide. This uniquely refreshing plant blooms from July to October. It has four to five bright Pink flower petals that sit above a basal rosette. Its bowl-shaped flowers reach a diameter of around two inches. It has four sepals and eight stamens, complete with a prominent style with a cross-like shaped stigma. This plant will bloom with multi-flowered terminal panicles.Its leafy branched stems are covered with purple-tinged hair follicles. Its leaves are an olive-green color and elliptical-shaped. They typically reach a width of one to three inches and a length greater than six inches. This plant's leaves are stalkless and wavy-toothed. Attract Wildlife With Pink Evening Primrose Unlike many other flowers, it doesn't open its plant's bloom until the late afternoon to early evening hours. This causes it to attract nighttime pollinators like bats and moths. It will stay open for its morning pollinators, like bees, until noon. Then, it will close its bloom during the hotter hours of the day. The Many Uses Of The Perennial This herbaceous plant goes by a variety of names, some of which include Fever Plant, King's Cure-All, Evening Star, Sundrop, German Rampion, Hog Weed, and Oenothera Biennis. It's part of the Onagraceae botanical family. A very sought-after attribute of this plant is the lemon-scented aroma that its cross-shaped flowers put off into the air. Many chose to use this intriguing plant as part of their garden border due to its aromatic quality. Shop Today At Garden Plant Nursery Pink Evening Primrose has been known to grow in fields, thickets, glades, disturbed grounds, and even roadsides. It naturalizes easily to whatever landscaping environment you want to introduce it to. Around mid-August, this plant will produce fruit capsules. These narrow seed pods reach a length of about one and a half inches. When they are ripe, they'll release over 100 seeds per capsule. This biennial flower has no serious problems with diseases or insects.

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Pokeberry Plant

Pokeberry Plant

Pokeberry Plant is a lush green plant that has whitish pink stems, round almond-shaped leaves that are brightly colored. Starting out in spring, the leaf colors darkens throughout the summer. First, the plant produces tiny white flower clusters. Then, after that, the flowers become dark purple berries. It is a fierce growing plant and can be found thriving in many places throughout nature. Lately, it has become increasingly popular to use this plant for landscaping, due to the lovely way the berries hang delicately from the thin branches and the tenacity with which the plant grows. They can live in most types of soil, and can in hardiness zones 4 through 11, quite a wide range. They can grow over 8 feet tall and live for over 2 years. Birds Love This Perennial  The stem color can vary from green to purple, but the best feature of the pokeweed are its white flowers which will turn into dark purple berries. These berries are sure to attract some of the best songbirds like the mockingbird. This is the perfect plant if you are an avid bird watcher and lover. Pokeberry Plant Has Pink Stems And Purple Berries Regardless of their purpose, these berries will draw in beautiful birds for your family to enjoy watching. Even before it was noticed for its pleasing aesthetics, It was used for it's many properties. Shop At Garden Plant Nursery The berries of the Pokeberry Plant are what hold its seeds, so it is easy to reseed whenever you need to, a low maintenance plant. Along with the benefit of songbirds, this is a must have for any garden. Its stunning in landscapes it gets very tall and has bight hot pink stems as it ages and the foliage turns yellow. The berries are and deep purple with a pink inside.

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Purple Coneflower

Purple Coneflower

The coneflower Plant is a great addition to any small garden that offers blooming in the summertime and fall is the Purple Coneflower. This showy flower has a fibrous root system that is ideal for growing in all different types of soil conditions. Also referred to as the Echinacea Purpurea, this plant is drought, deer, and rabbit resistant. Purple Coneflower's Features This herbaceous perennial is regularly used as a bordering plant due to its ability to propagate quickly. It's easily identified by its unique showy arrangement of flowers. Each one of this beautiful plant's stalks will play host to a large purple to pink hue flower. All flowers will have a spiny orange center and drooping petals. The Perennial's Benefits Native to the central and southeastern portion of the United States, the plant is a delight for all types of gardens. Its commonly utilized in wooded areas and meadow-like expanses. This easy grower isn't prone to any serious diseases or pest infestations. In fact, its sweet summertime nectar will attract an abundance of beautiful wildlife. Bees, hummingbirds, goldfinches, and other types of songbirds will all seek out this plant's nourishing seeds. This low-maintenance ornamental perennial is a very long-lasting bloom, providing a sweet purple color throughout most of the summer and fall months. A great cool-tone addition to any household garden, this robust plant will grow up to four feet tall and have a spread of between one and a half and two feet wide. A single plant that is healthy can showcase between 25 and 50 prominent flowerheads during its blooming season each year. The Plant's Beauty Apart from its overly showy purple flowers, the Purple Coneflower has lance-shaped leaves with an altering arrangement. With a deep green hue, these leaves will feel sandpapery to the touch. Also sporting a green color, this plant's stems are round and hollow. They don't possess any woody substance like some other herbaceous plants do. Get Yours At Garden Plant Nursery

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Purple Tulip

Purple Tulip

The Lavender Triumph Tulip, also known as "Triumph Write," is a stunning variety of tulips known for their elegant appearance and captivating color. These tulips are part of the Triumph group, known for their sturdy stems, vibrant colors, and overall resilience. The "Triumph Write" cultivar, in particular, has gained popularity among gardeners and flower enthusiasts for its unique lavender hue and graceful petals. One of the most striking features is its enchanting color. The blooms showcase a soft lavender or lilac shade that is incredibly appealing and adds a touch of serenity and sophistication to any garden or floral arrangement. The color is subtle yet eye-catching, making it a favorite choice for those looking to create a serene and calming atmosphere in their outdoor spaces. Lavender Tulip "Triumph Have A Long Bloom Time. Tulips typically grow to 10 to 18 inches (25 to 45 centimeters) and boast solid, straight stems. This characteristic makes them ideal for cut flower arrangements as they are less likely to droop or bend. These tulips also have a relatively long bloom time, typically in late spring. They symbolize elegance, grace, and renewal, making them popular for various occasions and events. Planting The Perennial Choosing a well-draining location with full to partial sun exposure is essential when planting them. These tulips thrive in fertile, loamy soil and should be planted in the fall before the first frost. They require minimal maintenance and will reward you with their stunning blooms year after year. The Lavender Triumph Tulip is a remarkable and enchanting addition to any garden or floral display. With its captivating lavender color, strong stems, and long-lasting blooms, it brings an aura of elegance and grace to any outdoor space. These tulips symbolize renewal and are sure to capture the hearts of all who behold them, making them a cherished choice for gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike. Buy At Garden Plant Nursery

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Purple Violet

Purple Violet

Purple Violets are known by a number of names including pansies, violas, and viola cucullata. The purple violet falls into the annual category, but in deciduous forests, they live as perennials. Violets are commonly used in woody areas and in rock gardens. The violet is a small, hardy plant that is commonly mixed with other plants to add a burst of color. They are known to grow best in zones 2 – 10, and are hardiest in these areas. The Purple Violet Are Favored By Garden Enthusiasts They are very famous in floral arrangements, and they are extremely easy to raise from seed, but hold up well if bought as youthful plants. There are many varieties in the violet family; some are more well-known than others. The most popular varieties include: - Johnny Jump-Ups – small velvet blooms that are purple with a yellow vein center. - Dooryard Violet - small bluish-violet flowers with a reddish hue, sometimes varying into a light red color. - California Sweet Violet – the lavender-blue flowers this plant displays perfectly accents the dark green leaves of this plant. - Sweet Violet – This plant has dark, deep violet colored blooms. It grows extremely compact and can vary in color from purple, yellow, red, blue, and white. Caring For The Perennial They prefer moist, easy draining soil. The soil has to be rich in composed organic matter. It is recommended for it to be planted in fertilizer that is considered slow release to avoid strong bursts of strong soil. As with any violet, the fertilizer should be water-soluble and they thrive best in a container instead of directly in the ground. Where To Plant Them Purple Violets are a popular choice for plant owners who enjoy picking their flowers and bringing them indoors. The beautiful blooms of the purple violet do not like extreme, or prolonged heat. They are not drought tolerant and should be watered on a regular basis. Buy Today At Garden Plant Nursery

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Red Cardinal Flower

Red Cardinal Flower

The Red cardinal flower, is an American wildflower local to the midwestern region, as well as Michigan and Wisconsin. These Lobelia blooms are tall perennials that flourish in USDA hardy planting zones 1 through 10. Tall spikes of splendid red, trumpet-formed blooms transcend the dull green foliage. Each bloom has three spreading lower petals and two upper petals, all assembled into a tube at the base. Erect verdant stems, frequently in groups, with racemes of blossoms looking like flaring red spires. They add a beautiful bright touch of color to any landscape or floral garden. They deer and rabbit resistant, yet they are very attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. Red Cardinal Flower's Bloom Developing cardinal blossoms sprout amid summer and in some cases into fall. Many insects have a hard time following the long necks of the trumpet-formed blooms, so cardinal blossoms rely upon hummingbirds for preparation. Cardinal blossoms develop best in an area with morning sun and evening shade, aside from cool zones where they require full sun. They also require a clammy, ripe soil and perform best considering that organic matter is incorporated into the dirt before planting. Planting The Perennial Flower The mature height of the Red cardinal flower is typically 24 to 48 inches. The seeds must be started indoors, 8 to 10 weeks before the final frost in delinquent winter. You can transfer the red cardinal blossom seedlings outside four weeks after you planted them in the fitting plate, picking a zone with full sun or incomplete shade and rich, loamy and ideally wet soil. For best results, place a 2-to 3-inch layer of natural mulch around the blossoms and water consistently, keeping the dirt always sodden for the bloom amid the developing season. The red cardinal bloom is not dry season tolerant, and performs best with continuously wet soil. Get It Today At Garden Plant Nursery

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Red Daylily

Red Daylily

 Red Daylily, scientifically known as Hemerocallis, is a stunning and vibrant perennial flower that enchants garden enthusiasts with its striking beauty and cheerful demeanor. This resilient and low-maintenance plant belongs to the Hemerocallidaceae family and is renowned for its captivating crimson blossoms. One of the most captivating features of the flower is its resplendent flowers. These trumpet-shaped blooms boast a rich, velvety red hue that is truly captivating. Each flower typically spans 3 to 5 inches in diameter and showcases a distinct yellow or greenish throat, adding depth and contrast to the overall appearance. These radiant flowers are renowned for their ability to brighten up any garden or landscape with their vibrant colors and are often used to create striking visual focal points. It Is Known For Its Adaptability The plant is known for its adaptability and hardiness. It flourishes in a broad range of soil conditions and is capable of withstanding both drought and frost, making it an excellent choice for gardeners in various climates. This resilient plant produces lush, strap-like leaves that provide an attractive backdrop for the dazzling flowers. Red Daylily Is Relatively Low-maintenance In terms of care, the flower is relatively low-maintenance. The red daylily prefers well-draining dirt and should be grown in a location with ample sunlight, although it can tolerate partial shade. Regular watering during its growing season, typically from late spring to mid-summer, ensures healthy and vigorous blooms. They are not only admired for their aesthetic appeal but also their versatility. They can be used in various landscaping settings, including borders, flower beds, and even as cut flowers in floral arrangements. Their long-lasting flowers and robust nature make them a cherished addition to worldwide gardens. In summary, the red daylily flower is a captivating and enduring perennial plant that graces gardens with its dazzling red blossoms. Its striking appearance, ease of care, and adaptability to various growing conditions make it a beloved choice for novice and experienced gardeners looking to infuse their outdoor spaces with vibrant beauty and charm. Shop Perennials And More At Garden Plant Nursery

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Red Hot Poker

Red Hot Poker

The Red Hot Poker Plant, scientifically known as Kniphofia uvaria, is a striking and vibrant perennial plant that belongs to the Asphodelaceae family. It is also commonly referred to as the Torch Lily or Tritoma. This stunning plant is native to South Africa, where it thrives in the wild, and it has become a popular choice for garden enthusiasts worldwide. One of the most remarkable features of the Red Hot Poker Plant is its striking and distinctive appearance. It produces tall, upright stems that can reach heights of up to 5 feet or more, topped with dense clusters of tubular flowers that resemble blazing torches. These flowers come in a range of fiery colors, including brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow, which give the plant its unique and eye-catching appearance. The vibrant colors of the Red Hot Poker Plant make it a favorite among gardeners looking to add a bold and dramatic focal point to their gardens. Benefits Of Planting This Perennial Aside from its captivating beauty, this plant also offers several practical benefits to gardeners. It is a robust and low-maintenance plant that can thrive in different soil types, provided they are well-drained. It is also drought-tolerant once established, making it an excellent choice for water-wise gardening. Additionally, it attracts pollinators like hummingbirds and butterflies, enhancing the overall biodiversity and beauty of the garden. Red Hot Poker Plant Has A Long Lasting Flower The Red Hot Poker Plant blooms in late spring to early summer, adding color to the garden. Its long-lasting flowers make it an excellent choice for cut flower arrangements, bringing a touch of the garden's beauty indoors. In summary, the Red Hot Poker Plant is a magnificent perennial known for its striking appearance, vibrant flowers, and ease of care. It is a fantastic choice for gardeners seeking to add a hint of drama and tint to their outdoor spaces while supporting local pollinators and conserving water. Its unique beauty and practicality make it a cherished addition to gardens worldwide. Shop Now At Garden Plant Nursery

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Red Trillium

Red Trillium

Red Trillium is a flowering plant that also goes by the names, Beth Root, Stinking Benjamin, Purple Trillium, and Wake-Robin, it is a member of the Lily family. The plant is known for having one single reddish, to purple flower on a stem that grows from eight to sixteen inches in height. The leaves of the plant can be up to seven inches long. One distinctive trait of this plant is the unpleasant odor of the flower, some describe the aroma as reminiscent of wet dog. Benefits Of Red Trillium The plant flowers from April to June. This plant is easy to grow, it enjoys partial shade and a moist soil that is well drained. It can grow in a sunny location, as long as it's given enough water. This plant is a perennial, which means it will come back each year. In the spring cover the plant with a layer of organic matter, and be sure to water thoroughly to keep the soil moist throughout the growing season. Caring For The Perennial They like soil that is a bit acidic. As the plants spread, gardeners may want to transplant some, it's best to do this when the plant is flowering, for best results. While the flowers are attractive, and it may be tempting to cut some to bring inside, refrain from doing so. The stress of having its flower cut is often too much for the plant and can cause the entire plant to die. Shop At Garden Plant Nursery Red Trillium can be grown from seeds, however, it will take several years before the gardener should expect to see flowers. Cuttings allow the gardener to see results faster. Fertilizer is not needed, as long as the plants have compost in the spring. These plants are easy to care for and grow as wildflowers in Asia and areas of North America.

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Red Tulips

Red Tulips "seadov"

Red tulips, with their vibrant crimson hue and elegant, cup-shaped blooms, symbolize love, passion, and perfect love. These stunning flowers belong to the lily family, Liliaceae, and are among the most popular and beloved springtime flowers worldwide. Their timeless beauty and rich cultural significance make them a favorite choice for gardens, bouquets, and various floral arrangements. The flowers are known for their striking appearance. The deep red petals of the flower are often contrasted with bright green leaves and stems, creating a visually captivating display. This fiery color symbolizes deep emotions, making red tulips an ideal gift for expressing love and affection. They are often associated with true love and are a popular choice for romantic gestures and declarations. It Is A Perennial Plant Aside from their romantic symbolism, they also carry historical significance. They have been cultivated for centuries and are thought to have originated in the Ottoman Empire, where they were considered a symbol of paradise on Earth. The word "tulip" itself is believed to be derived from the Turkish word for turban due to the flower's resemblance to the headgear worn by Ottoman sultans. Red Tulips Are Extremely Low-maintenance They are versatile and can be used in various settings and contexts. They make excellent additions to gardens, where their vibrant color can brighten the landscape and bring a sense of vitality to any space. In floral arrangements, they serve as a powerful focal point, commanding attention with their bold red hue. Their graceful form extends well to more formal settings, such as weddings and special occasions. In conclusion, the red tulips symbolize love and passion with a rich history and timeless appeal. Their stunning appearance and emotional significance make them a popular choice for expressing deep feelings and adding a touch of grace to gardens and floral displays. Whether given as a gift or grown in a park, red tulips continue to captivate and inspire people worldwide with their beauty and symbolism. Shop At Garden Plant Nursery

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Rue Anemone

Rue Anemone

Rue Anemone presents delicate, soft pink or white flowers on single stems throughout the spring and early summer. Its cup-shaped flowers identify it as a member of the buttercup family. Completely charming in a shady corner of a garden, it offers a gently colorful influence in a woodsy setting. Enjoying the Beauty Of Rue Anemone Native to North America, it evokes images of days when wildflowers flourished everywhere. At a size of 6 to 10 inches, it needs about an equal amount of space for each plant. While delicate and fragile in appearance, the plant can resist spring frosts. An easy plant to grow, it needs only an average amount of water and maintenance. During the summer, it takes time to rest after a showy performance in the earlier months. Choosing a Location To Plant The Perennial The delicacy of the wildflower invites gardeners to choose a shady spot where it can create a sense of calm and peacefulness. The native plant likes to share space with trees like oaks, maples, birch and hundreds of others that lose their leaves once a year. A location near a tree helps the plant receive the dappled sun that allows it to thrive. The decaying organic material the leaves provide enriches the soil and enhances growing conditions. The Stunning Appearance Of The Plant The 5-10 petal-like sepals on the flowers of the rue anemone form around an unusual structure of pistils. A cluster of pollen-laden pistils enhances the beauty of the plant in a natural environment. Each plant invites close examination that reveals the delicacy of the pistils that stand prominently above the petals. The choice to locate the plant in a secluded nook, a rock garden or a shady border can delight anyone who sees it. A pleasure to grow, compatible with the environment and contributing to the elegance of a quiet garden, the lovely plant deserves a place in the home of any knowledgeable gardener. Get All Your Gardening Needs At Garden Plant Nursery

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Running Cedar

Running Cedar

The aesthetically pleasing Running Cedar is a great addition to any lawn or garden. It is the perfect ground cover and it is also environmentally friendly because it absorbs toxins. Hardy planting zone from 4-9 provide the best growth potential. Also known by its scientific name Diphasiastrum digitatum, it is part of the Lycopodiaceae family. This moss is thick and boasts a rich green appearance. It grows really well in most any environment and only needs minimal sunlight. Sprouting usually occurs between July and October. This moss can be traced back over 410 million years and is known as one of the first identified vascular plants. It is found in eastern North America and Canada then as far south as Florida. People who use parts of it should be aware that the spores are also highly flammable due to the oil content. Spores should be handled with great care. The Appearance Running Cedar It shoots straight up with horizontal stems that range from 3-8 inches in length. The fan-shaped moss releases spores as opposed to seeds. Because it has no flowers, pollination is not required. Maintenance is pretty easy. This moss needs very little to survive and thrive. It is also tolerant to drought, heat, and cold. It is great for preventing the spread of grass and other invasive weeds. So it can mix in other plants with no problem. Benefits Of The Perennial This type of moss only needs to be planted once. Even in the worst conditions, they manage to grow back every year. They also keep your other plants in the garden safe and healthy by removing toxins in the soil. Get Yours Now At Garden Plant Nursery Another great use for Running Cedar is the prevention of soil erosion. Specifically in mining areas, the moss has worked wonders in extracting toxins and pollutants from the soil. The plant can also absorb about 10 times its own weight making it ideal for flood zones.

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Shasta Daisy

Shasta Daisy

Shasta Daisy is a drought-resistant perennial with abundant flowers that blossom from late spring through premature fall. These hardy plants make excellent cut or dried flowers and survive in both full sun and partial shade. It is a perennial that stays low to the ground has green leaves and divided leaves. It bears immense flowers in spring and early summer clusters that develop into flat oval seed pods. The daisy plants spread vigorously. With proper care, it can become an aggressive weed. How to Grow Shasta Daisy The daisy plant can be propagated by seed. The seeds need light to germinate, so it is important to sow them in a ground area that receives adequate sunlight. Sowing The Seeds Of The Perennial About two weeks after the sowing of the seeds, germination should occur. You will see the green shoots popping up above the ground surface. The young sprouts should be transplanted into larger pots with space for growth and root development, which may occur two months after transplanting them from the seedbed site. To obtain the best results, it is recommended that the young plants be transplanted one foot away from the daisy plants during the growing season. The plant will adapt to its new environment while providing fertilizer and water. The daisy plants need regular pruning. This activity should be done frequently to avoid lumpy growth near the plant base. This will allow light to properly circulate through the plant, provide more nutrients and promote an optimum growth environment. Plant Care Tips They can be grown indoors or outdoors. If grown outdoors, make sure that it receives adequate sun as well as a moderate amount of water. If grown indoors, place the pot near a sunlight source. The soil should be kept moist but not too wet or dry for the healthy growth of the plants. Shop At Garden Plant Nursery In addition, the water must be continuously applied to the soil if the Shasta Daisy are grown in pots. You should mist the plants with water at least every day. The watering and fertilization process should be done as often as necessary to keep the soil moist during the growing season and necessary for plant maintenance.

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Shooting Star Plant

Shooting Star Plant

Shooting Star Plant is a native plant grown in the wild in many parts of North America. The plant produces bright pink flowers that will catch your eyes whenever you come across them. This plant is a beauty to behold and has attracted people who have domesticated it on their farms. The plant comes from a primrose family and has many notable names like Pride of Ohio, American cowslip, Eastern shooting star, to mention but a few. Here are some tips for growing a successful plant. A Suitable Environment For Growing Shooting Star Plant The plant grows well in early spring, where the temperatures are optimum, and the soil is moist. The lace-shaped pink leaves grow to 6 inches long and 2.5 inches wide, giving it a stunning appearance. In late spring, the plant becomes dormant because the conditions are not favorable for its growth. Soil Condition For The Perennial Plant The plant generally grows in many parts of the United States with minimum care. However, for better results when planting it on your land, you will need to choose soil that slightly acidic with a pH value ranging from 6.8. This will facilitate its faster growth, considering it takes approximately two months to mature between May and June. The plant blossoms well in the clay soil environment and in forests under tree molds. The plant is thought to perform well in the USDA growing zones of 4, 5,6,7,8, where the results have been impressive. The most notable areas with such conditions are the Midwestern, Northeastern, and Southeastern US regions. With such favorable environments, the plant grows between one and three feet to reach maturity. How To Use It In Landscaping Because of its beautiful nature and aesthetic value, many people have begun to grow the shooting start plant because it aids in conserving the environment. People grow it because of its ornament beauty, especially when it thrives during the spring season. Its fibrous root system ensures that the soil is held together and reduces the chances of soil erosion. The shooting start plant is an essential plant to the Greeks as they worshiped it, saying the gods catered for it. Shop Today With Garden Plant Nursery

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Siberian Iris

Siberian Iris

The Siberian Iris is native to Central Asia and Europe. The classification rhizomatous means the plant has a mass of roots commonly referred to as rootstocks which are the modified subterranean stem of a plant which retains the ability to produce new shoots. Herbaceous perennial is a classification of plant which returns the next year and has no persistent wood stem above ground. Meaning at the end of the season it will die and spring up from the root in the next season. The Appearance Of Siberian Iris The plant is branch stemmed with green grass-like leaves that are ribbed and occasionally have a pink tinge at the base of some leaves. They are normally shorter than the flowering stems which at maturity measure between 50-100cm (20-47in) high. Each flowering stem of which there are usually 1-3 per plant bears anywhere between 2-5 flowers during late spring to early summer. The flowers which themselves are 6-7cm (2-3in) in diameter are different shades of blue including blue violet and occasionally white in color. Each flower has two pairs of petals consisting of 3 large outer petals (sepals) and 3 smaller inner petals (tepals). The sepals which measure 5-7cm (2-2.8in) long and have beautiful dark blue veining droop down exposing the tepals which have lighter veining, smoother texture, and measure 4.5-5cm (1.3-2.0in) long. Where To Plant This Perennial The plant can tolerate temperatures as low as -20 degrees Celsius (-4F) and is hardy to USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) zone 2-8 as well as zone H1. It should be noted that if mulched the plant can withstand colder temperatures. This plant thrives in fertile and slightly acidic soil with a PH level greater than 5.6. If utilizing clay or sand soil types an organic fertilizer (manure or compost) should be applied at the time of planting. While this plant enjoys full sunlight it can tolerate partial shade especially in very hot and arid climates. Watering is needed during growing season (spring and summer) for best blooms and can tolerate occasional flooding but should not be left in standing water. Siberian Iris can be placed waterside and are ideal big garden plants. They also make beautiful additions to naturalized gardens by planting them alongside other perennials and grasses. It also makes a pretty herbaceous border and a they are a wonderful addition to gardens in general. Shop Today At Garden Plant Nursery

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Solomon's Seal Plant

Solomon's Seal Plant

Solomon's Seal Plant is a hardy perennial that produces subtle white blooms in the spring to summer months. It can reach a height of up to six feet when fully matured. This shade-loving perennial possesses gently arching stems that are a dark green hue. Going by the formal name of Polygonatum Biflorum, this herbaceous plant can be a great addition to any shade garden. The Stunning Flowers Of The Unique plant This deer-resistant plant yields a plethora of small flowers that take on the shape of a bell. These one-inch pendant flowers will hang down in pairs from an arching, unbranched stem. Each stem will host 10 or more pairs of flowers. These fragrant blooms will smell refreshingly like lilies. As the summer turns into fall, the plant will drop its lovely bell-shaped flowers and replace them with non-edible berries. The Luring Berries Of The Perennial These berries will be of a blue-to-black hue and will attract various wildlife like birds and squirrels that forage. This plant's long, four-inch leaves will transition into an attractive yellow color during the autumn months. This long-living perennial is a favorite for many home gardens as it adds an abundance of both depth and contrast. These dense colonies of arching stems are extremely tolerant of many adverse conditions. They pair well with ferns in any home garden. Native to the eastern region of North America, this deciduous plant is well-known to be a great pollinator for hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies. This perennial plant is often used as a method to prevent soil erosion in unstabilized areas. Get Solomon's Seal Plant At Garden Plant Nursery Solomon's Seal will flourish in large colonies and is very easy to grow for even the newest of green thumbs. This thick and fleshy plant gets its name from its irregularly-shaped rhizomes that bear rounded scars. These scars appear to resemble two inverted triangles, which is the known symbol of King Solomon.

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Squirrel Corn

Squirrel Corn

 Squirrel Corn plant, whose botanical name is Dicentra Canadensis, is usually grown for its beautiful flowers. It is a spring ephemeral. The plant dies back after its blooming period. It is dormant during the summer, fall, and winter seasons. The perennial is native to eastern North America and grows in forests and woodlands. Besides its lovely blooms, it is known for its unique shaped roots. At the roots’ end are yellow nodules that resemble corn on the cob. The Stunning Bloom Of Squirrel Corn The flowers are heart shape, similar to those of the bleeding heart. They are pinkish-white. The bloom is less than a half-inch wide and about an inch long. The spring-blooming plant has a considerably short blooming season. They start to bloom in April and end in May. The flowers’ stems are dark green, sometimes with a touch of brown, and point downwards. As the flowers begin to fade away, the leaves from the plant begin to take center stage. The Lovely Leaves Of The Perennial  The triangular leaves can be green with a hint of blue or gray. The bottom of the leaves are light green in color. They can grow to be about ten inches in length. They tend to divide multiple times, creating a lace pattern much like the fern. The surface of the leaves are smooth to the touch but have a waxy texture underneath. The plants extend to almost a foot in height. Find Companion Plants At Garden Plant Nursery The plants are easy to grow and function sufficiently if grown in the hardiness zones 4 through 7. The plants prefer shady or partially shady locations. Their soil preference is well-drained, moist, rich soil. It is important to make sure that it does receive plenty of water during the spring when it is blooming and most active. Fertilizer can be added to the soil once a year if needed. The Squirrel Corn plant makes a wonderful addition to any natural or woodland garden. It is the perfect plant for an ornamental garden. The plant will certainly add interest to any shade garden during the spring months. It tends to grow slowly, making it a perfect choice for a border plant or ground cover. Due to its sluggish development, it will not become a nuisance plant and encroach upon other plants or take up a lot of space. Even though it only blooms for a short period of time, it is a beautiful focal point for any spring garden.

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Stella De Oro Daylily

Stella De Oro Daylily

Stella de Oro Daylily, scientifically known as Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro,' is a perennial flowering plant celebrated for its exquisite beauty and remarkable resilience in gardens and landscapes. This charming cultivar is a beloved favorite among gardeners worldwide, admired for its lush green foliage and abundant, vibrant blossoms. One of the most outstanding features of the plant is its stunning flowers. Each bloom is a radiant golden yellow, like sunshine in the garden. These flowers typically measure 2 to 3 inches in diameter and exhibit a unique trumpet-like shape with six gracefully arching petals. The vibrant hue of the blossoms is sure to attract the eye and brighten any outdoor space. Bloom Season Of The Plant One of the many merits of the plant is its extended blooming season. This variety is renowned for its long-lasting and prolific flowering habit, producing waves of blossoms from late spring well into the fall. The continuous display of colorful blooms makes it a fantastic choice for creating a lively and dynamic garden landscape. The plant boasts dense clumps of slender, grass-like leaves, providing an attractive backdrop for the striking flowers. They are relatively compact, growing to approximately 12 to 18 inches, making them ideal for garden beds and containers. The Stella De Oro Daylilies compact size makes it easy to incorporate into various garden designs and arrangements. The Perennials Are Very Low-maintenance Another appealing characteristic of them is their low maintenance requirements. They are adaptable to various soil types and can flourish in both complete sun and partial shade, making them suitable for multiple garden conditions. With minimal care and attention, stella de ora daylilies can thrive year after year, making them an excellent choice for experienced and novice gardeners. In summary, it is a delightful and enduring garden perennial celebrated for its radiant golden-yellow flowers, long-lasting bloom period, and ease of care. Its vibrant presence in the park will bring joy and beauty to any outdoor space, making it a beloved addition to gardens worldwide. Buy Stella De Oro Daylily At Garden Plant Nursery

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Sweet Violet

Sweet Violet

There are many members of the viola family and one of them is the Sweet Violets. Unlike most Violas, the plant often used in rock gardens and they prefer soil that is not dry. They say if you would like to plant them you should make sure you amend the dirt with ample portions of compost or rotted manure. You can also choose to plant them in a container filled with potting mixtures that are lightweight and they will thrive. Requirements Of The Perennial If you want to see them at their best, they will require lots of sunlight, however keep in mind that they do not like temperatures over 80 degrees. If the temperature gets too hot for too long the blooming of the plant will stall down, and the plant will ultimately die. Experts advise that you should provide the flower with sunlight during the morning and in the afternoon make sure it has some shade. The plants also stop blooming in dry soil and for this reason they will require a lot of consistent watering. But do not water too much because this will cause them to die as well. Experts say that you should let the top layer of soil dry some before the next watering so they do not become saturated. It is also advised that you deadhead he flowers to keep them blooming for as long as possible. This means to remove the dead flowers as soon as possible to preserve the ones that are healthy. These plants often return and regrow after being deadheaded. The Beauty Of Sweet Violet Sweet Violet are beautiful plants that are generally low maintenance. Flowers can be so delightful to look at and it has been scientifically proven that it causes a calming effect. The plant can be grown in several parts of the United States. Check Out Our Collections At Garden Plant Nursery

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Tall Phlox

Tall Phlox

Tall Phlox offers an array of colors during the summer months. This plant can bloom for six weeks or longer. Some start to bloom in mid-summer while others do not begin until late in August. Colors include white, red, purple, lavender, rose, and pink. Some are even a blend of two colors with a center of another color. The flowers have five lobes and grow in clumps at the top of the plant. Growth Of The Perennials The plants generally get from 2 to 4 feet tall, growing upright on a stiff stem. Leaves are a deep green and are lance-shaped. When the stems on the plant are approximately six inches tall, pinch off all but five or six as well as the tips of these stems. This will permit the plant to develop bigger clumps of blooms. Where To Plant Them Tall Phlox will flourish in areas that receive full sun, but will grow in lightly shaded spots as well. Too much shade will prevent the plants from producing as many blooms, and the quality of the blooms will suffer. They should not be grown under trees or near large hedges. Competition for nutrients and moisture from the soil can cause a problem for Tall Phlox. Get Tall Phlox And More At Garden Plant Nursery These plants will do well when planted in areas with good drainage and watered on a regular basis. It is best to water the soil around the plant rather than the plant itself. This helps to prevent disease. Fertilizer is recommended in the spring as new growth appears. Mulch will help to keep the soil around the plant cool and helps to retain moisture. Tall Phlox will grow from the District of Columbia to the panhandle of Florida. When the blooms start to fade, removing the flowers will help to keep blooms the color initially chosen. It is sometimes possible to get the Tall Phlox to bloom twice by fertilizing again after the first blooms are gone.

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Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily is a captivating and vibrant flowering plant that has captured the hearts of garden enthusiasts and nature lovers worldwide. Its striking appearance and rich cultural significance make it a beloved addition to gardens and landscapes. The most distinctive feature of the plant is its stunning blossoms. These trumpet-shaped flowers showcase a mesmerizing blend of fiery orange or red petals adorned with dark speckles, resembling the appearance of a majestic tiger's coat. Each flower typically boasts six petals that gracefully curve outward, creating an alluring and exotic display that is a sight to behold. Beyond its breathtaking appearance, the plant carries a wealth of cultural symbolism. Various cultures associate it with riches, prosperity, and good fortune. Many view it as a pride and confidence symbol inspired by its bold and unapologetic appearance. Additionally, in some Eastern cultures, the tiger lily is thought to bring harmony and balance to one's surroundings, making it a popular choice for ornamental gardening and landscape design. The Plant Is Very Hardy The plant's hardy nature makes it a resilient addition to gardens and outdoor spaces. It thrives in various climates and soil conditions, making it accessible to gardeners of all levels of expertise. Its adaptability and ability to withstand different weather conditions make it a low-maintenance yet advantageous plant to cultivate. The Perennial Is Perfect For Floral Arrangements Furthermore, tiger lily is often used in floral arrangements and bouquets, adding a touch of exotic elegance to weddings and special occasions. Its unique appearance and vibrant colors make it popular for floral designers looking to create eye-catching and memorable arrangements. In conclusion, the tiger lily is a magnificent and culturally rich flower that brings beauty, symbolism, and a touch of the exotic to gardens and floral displays. Its striking appearance and positive associations make it a cherished favorite among gardening enthusiasts and those seeking to infuse their surroundings with natural splendor and cultural significance. Buy Tiger Lily At Garden Plant Nursery

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Trumpet Vine

Trumpet Vine

The trumpet vine, often called trumpet creeper, loves lean soil as well as it drains well. This beautiful plant can grow up to 40 feet tall when it has a structure to climb on. It uses suckers produced by underground runners to attach itself to almost any surface. A single vine can spread to be more than 10-feet wide. This Perennial Captivating Leaves This plant puts on beautiful leaves that are shiny, dark green on top and dull green underneath. Each leaf that can be up to 15 inches long produces seven to ten10 feet leaflets that have serrated edges. The leaves turn yellow in the autumn. Where To Plant It Plant it in the full sun so that it produces flowers. The scarlet or orange flowers have a trumpet shape, and they can be up to 3 inches long. Blooms typically appear in the early summer and last until fall. If this plant does not get enough sun, it will still thrive, but it will not produce flowers. After the flowers fade, then the plant produces bean-like seedpods that can be up to 5-inches long. If left on the plant, these seedpods will eventually split open, releasing the seeds inside. If they land in the right spot, then you can have another plant. Get Trumpet Vine At Garden Plant Nursery If left without a structure to climb, then the trumpet vine will use its suckers to spread across the ground. Using this vine as a ground cover can be very useful if you need to stop erosion. When left to crawl across the ground, the plant can also be very useful in camouflaging unsightly debris, such as a rock pile. Hardy Planting Zone- 3 to 9 Bloom Season (if any) - Summer Bloom Color – Orange, scarlet Height at Maturity –Up to 40 feet tall Soil Type Preferred- Lean well-drained soil Sun or Shade-Full sun

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Tulip Bulbs

Tulip Bulbs

Tulip bulbs are fascinating and enchanting plant structures that have captivated people worldwide for centuries. These bulbous plants are renowned for their vibrant and diverse colors, making them popular for garden enthusiasts and flower lovers. They belong to the genus Tulipa and are native to regions in Eurasia, primarily Turkey and Iran. Their rich history dates back to the Ottoman Empire, where they were highly prized for their beauty and symbolic significance. Today, tulips hold a special place in gardens and landscapes worldwide. One of the most remarkable aspects of them is their incredible variety. They come in various colors, from classic reds, yellows, and purples to exotic shades like orange, pink, and even multi-colored varieties. This diversity allows gardeners to create stunning displays and arrangements that suit their preferences and aesthetics. The Perennials Are Low Maintenance They are relatively easy to grow, making them ideal for novice and experienced gardeners. They thrive in well-drained soil and require minimal maintenance once established. Producing them in the fall permits them to show their roots before the onset of winter, ensuring a spectacular bloom in the spring. The Plant Spreads On Its Own These bulbs are also known for their naturalization ability, meaning they can multiply and spread over time, creating a breathtaking carpet of flowers in your garden. This naturalization process adds an element of surprise and beauty to your outdoor space year after year. They have graced gardens and entered various cultural traditions and celebrations. In many parts of the world, they symbolize love, prosperity, and new beginnings, making them famous for weddings, festivals, and special occasions. In conclusion, tulips are a remarkable and cherished part of horticultural heritage. Their stunning colors, ease of cultivation, and rich cultural significance make them a beloved addition to gardens and landscapes, bringing joy and beauty to all who encounter them. Whether you're a gardening enthusiast or appreciate the splendor of nature, they are a timeless treasure that continues to enchant and inspire. Buy Tulip Bulbs At Garden Plant Nursery

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Turk Cap Lily

Turk Cap Lily

The Turk Cap Lily is a lovely six-petaled flower with truly gorgeous bright orange flowers with dark spots that have a sleek, upward curve to them as if reaching for the sun. Below, at the base, the leaves are a combination of green, yellow, and muted green.These lovely perennial lilies can grow to between 3 and 7 feet tall and it's not unusual for a single plant to produce as many as up to 12 blossoms. Typically, they bloom from the early to mid-summer, and the blooms will last up to a month. These lovely flowers do best growing in zones 5 through 8. The Perennial Plant's Flowers The flowers are very popular with bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Plant these lovely flowers as a landscape edge, and your backyard will soon be buzzing and fluttering with activity. Plants from bulb form in the fall in rich, moist, wet, organic, slightly acidic soil. Since it grows so high, plant them in the back of your garden as a capper to your backyard greenery. A strong plant, still it prefers at least light shade or filtered shade areas to grow. It will grow in complete shade, but you will probably need to stake them as the plant will lean towards the sun. Planting Turk Cap Lily Be sure to grow in an area that is enclosed by a fence, though, if you live in the country because deer just love these precious blooms as snacks. While the plants prefer loamy, wet soil, make sure the soil drains and there is not too much water. Be sure to add 5-10-5 fertilizer to your soil if you want your Turk Cap Lily to grow high and produce plenty of blooms. Water regularly in the first two years, less after that. Shop Today At Garden Plant Nursery

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Jeffersonia diphylla, commonly known as Twinleaf or Rheumatism Root, is an uncommon Spring wildflower in the Berberidaceae family. Jeffersonia was named after U.S. President Thomas Jefferson, who grew it on his stately property, Monticello. This plant is often used in rock gardens or as groundcover in woodland gardens. Since it prefers neutral soils to alkaline, it can be planted near concrete foundations as well as near lawns, especially if treated with lime. The Growth Of The Plant This perennial grows at a slow rate and rarely grows over 12 inches while blooming, but can extend up to 18 inches by the time its fruit ripens. It features large flat leaves that can be up to 6 inches long. The leaves sit at the ends of long stems, which sprout from the rhizome, and are divided in a way somewhat resembling butterfly wings, giving the appearance of being two separate leaves. In the Spring, before the forest canopy appears in April or May, lovely white flowers, each with eight pedals, appear at the end of leafless stalks. These cup-shaped flowers are short-lived, with the pedals falling off soon after flowering. The fruit is a pod which resembles a small pear and has a hinged top. The plant relies on ants to disperse its seeds and, while its has no major problems with insects or disease, it is susceptible to snails and slugs. Where To Plant The Perennial Twinleaf grows in the USDA hardiness zones 5 through 8. It can be found in Eastern North America, especially in the Great Lakes region, the Ohio Valley, and the Appalachians; from Ontario to Alabama and West to Wisconsin. This interesting plant is typically found growing in the damp, rich limestone soils of deciduous forests and near rivers. While the plant can tolerate conditions of heavy shade, it prefers a partly shady environment. The ideal situation for it is under the canopies of large trees, where it can receive adequate sun in the Spring and be well-shaded from the heat of the summer sun. Get Twinleaf Today At Garden Plant Nursery

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Vinca Minor

Vinca Minor

Vinca Minor is a dense groundcover that produces a lovely blue flower in the Spring and Summer. Its evergreen leaves are a deep, rich green color. It grows in mats about 3 to 6 inches high that will spread unchecked if given the chance. This Perennial Plant Is Very Hardy It is easy to grow and has few natural diseases or pests. It's not too picky about the soil it's in but will do best with well-drained, moist soil. Its ease of cultivation and tendency to spread make it popular as a low-maintenance groundcover. Just remember that it's also difficult to get rid of. It will usually require cutting and application of chemicals to its roots to stop it from coming back. The Uses Of It Vinca Minor is also known as Periwinkle, Myrtle, and Creeping Myrtle. It was given the Latin name of Vinca, meaning to wind around, because its stems were used in wreath making. Minor is in reference to its leaves, which are smaller than that of its cousin, Vinca Major. It is native to southern and central Europe. Its original range extends from the Netherlands in the north to Portugal in the south and east to Turkey. Today, it is cultivated in many parts of the world. In the US, it is classified as being hardy in zones 3 through 8, and sometimes even further north. Get Vinca Minor At Garden Plant Nursery This ground cover plant is best known for its lush, green foliage and flowers that bloom during the spring and summer. The color depends upon the variety but can include blue, white, and pink. The USDA hardiness zones advised for this plant are 4 to 9, and it grows best in well-drained soils. When planted 4 to 6 inches apart, this plant will form a thick ground cover and be approximately 4 to 6 feet off the ground when fully mature.

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Virginia Bluebells

Virginia Bluebells

Virginia Bluebells are a perennial herbal plant that grows 1 to 2 feet tall. The foliage of these plants is a smooth grayish green color with small clusters of pink buds. The buds open up into bell shaped flowers that are blue lavender in color. The oval grayish green leaves grow along each stem of the plant. These conspicuous flowers have a high water usage. They are a dependable, hardy flower that begins to bloom in early spring. It likes moist soils and will do well even in deep shady landscapes. These flowers will continue to grow in size each year with little to no care.  Virginia Bluebells Benefits They have many advantages. These one inch flowers attract butterflies and are bee friendly. They are a great addition to woodland landscapes as they are deer resistant. They also provide good ground cover without growing aggressively. These plants also make a great flower to use in cut flower arrangements. Seeds should be collected between late May and early June. The fruit will ripen into a brownish yellow color after 3 to 4 weeks of the plant flowering. At this point, the stem has most likely collapsed. The seeds need to be dried and stored in a sealed container while being refrigerated. This Perennial Has Seeds If the seeds have been stored, they should be planted six weeks before the last predicted frost date. Another option is to sow the seeds as soon as they are collected. If they are stored throughout winter, the seeds must go through the process of being cold-moist stratified for 6 weeks before they are planted in the spring. Get Yours Today At Garden Plant Nursery Virginia Bluebell Hardy Planting Zone: 3 to 8 Bloom Season: March, April, May, June Bloom Color: Pink, Blue, Purple Height of Maturity: 1 to 2 feet Soil Type of Preferred: Rich, moist, sometimes rocky, soils Sun or Shade: Part shade, shade

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White Violet

White Violet

White violets are perennial wildflowers that are found throughout the eastern United States and Canada. These beautiful flowers grow wild and create large white carpets on the ground.The flowers emerge from single stalks and feature deep green leaves that are often heart-shaped. They begin growing in the spring and persist throughout the summer. The white flowers are fragrant and thrive in shade gardens. They grow between 4” to 8” inches wide and thrive in moist woodland areas. Where To Plant White Violet While they are found naturally growing in the wild, they are also excellent garden performers. They easily spread throughout the garden via seed and underground runners. When planning where to plant them, consider zones 3 through 8 since they are hardy and plentiful in these areas. An added benefit of planting this beautiful plant in your garden is they are deer resistant. They grow and thrive in conditions and areas where other violets do not typically grow. The unique leaves of the plant set them apart from other violet species. The Charm Of This Perennial They are a popular choice for garden enthusiasts due to the color and shape of the leaves. The color white often occurs due to a change in soil pH. This is evident because most violets become a purple color when growing in acidic soil. White violets are fragrant and easy to care for plants that is an asset to any garden, yard, or landscape design. They thrive in the shade and sun while planted in moist, well-drained soil. Since the fragrance is so pleasing, it’s recommended to plant them near doorways, pathways, and various areas throughout the garden for maximum enjoyment. Get One Today At Garden Plant Nursery

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Wild Garlic Plant

Wild Garlic Plant

The Wild Garlic plant, scientifically known as Allium ursinum, is a charming and versatile perennial herbaceous plant that graces woodlands and shady areas across Europe and Asia. This delightful plant is celebrated for its graceful appearance, lush green foliage, and the way it enhances the natural beauty of forested landscapes. One of the most distinctive features of it is its elegant foliage. The leaves are broad, lance-shaped, and vivid green, forming dense clumps that carpet the forest floor. The lush greenery creates a striking contrast against the darker tones of the woodland environment, adding a touch of vibrancy and freshness. It is well-suited to shaded or partially shaded environments, making it a perfect choice for woodlands, shady gardens, and naturalized landscapes. It flourishes in damp, well-drained soil and can adapt to various soil types. Its ability to grow in areas with limited sunlight positions it as an excellent candidate for areas where other plants may flounder to thrive. The Plant Has Beautiful Flowers In the spring, it produces delicate white flowers that rise above the carpet of leaves. These tiny, star-shaped blossoms add a touch of elegance and charm to the forested landscape, creating a picturesque scene in woodlands and shady meadows. The Perennial Plays A Big Ecological Role Beyond its aesthetic appeal, it plays a valuable ecological role in forest ecosystems. The plant provides habitat and shelter for various small creatures and insects. Its presence contributes to the overall biodiversity of the forest, fostering a healthy and balanced ecosystem. It is also known for its pleasant, mild garlic scent, often detected when the leaves are crushed or brushed against. This fragrance adds to the plant's character and charm, making it a sensory delight for those in the wild. The Wild Garlic plant is a charming and graceful perennial herbaceous species celebrated for its lush green foliage, delicate white flowers, and adaptability to shaded environments. Whether carpeting the forest floor, enhancing shady gardens, or naturalizing woodlands, it brings a touch of elegance and biodiversity to outdoor spaces. Its role in supporting local wildlife and its subtle garlic fragrance make it a cherished choice for those seeking to enhance their gardens and landscapes' natural beauty and ecological value. Buy Wild Garlic Plant At Garden Plant Nursery

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Wild Geranium

Wild Geranium

The Wild Geranium plants known to sport small to medium sized flowers with notched leaves. Geraniums earned the description hardy due to its low maintenance care requirements and its ability to withstand harsher climates. This plant is a favored option for gardeners and landscapers, and it grows best in zones 3 to 9. This pleasant scented plant is actually a wildflower. It grows anywhere from 6 inches to 8 feet high, depending on variety. The expansion width is generally from 6 inches to 4 feet across. It is an excellent pick for garden borders, walkway edges, rock gardens and any areas needing more green and colorful vegetation. Caring For The Perennial While this plant loves the sun, some varieties do well even in quite shady spots. Most prefer afternoon or morning sun. Too much sun all day is generally not a good idea. These plants do best when not over watered. They like a good water drenching only about once a week. It is recommended that the gardener prune back these plants around mid-season to ward off mold and mildew growth commonly encountered if planted in a hot and humid region. Geraniums planted in more temperate climates only need pruned when their typical irregular growth patterns become too untidy. Remember to keep at least 2-3 inches of the stem close to the ground. Benefits Of The Plant This versatile plant is great for floral or vegetable gardens. Many flowers, fruits and vegetables attract pests, rodents or other animals. Planting geraniums helps keep these unwanted visitors away. The spicy pine scent of a geranium flower naturally repels many plant damaging animals and other pests. Geraniums come in several varieties of flower colors including shades of pinks, purples, whites and blues. These beautiful plants will typically bloom more if they receive 6-8 hours of daily sunlight. Hardy geraniums are gorgeous plants that are ideal selections to add color and foliage wherever needed. Get Wild Geranium At Garden Plant Nursery

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Wild Ginger

Wild Ginger

Wild Ginger, scientifically known as Asarum canadense, is a fascinating and unique perennial plant that thrives in woodland and shaded environments. This charming plant is celebrated for its distinctive appearance and ability to add elegance to natural landscapes. One of the most remarkable features of it is its heart-shaped leaves. These leaves are typically glossy and rich green, forming a lush carpet-like ground cover in shaded areas. The plant's foliage remains attractive throughout the growing season, contributing to its visual appeal. Wild Ginger Is Great For A Woodland Garden It is well-suited to woodland gardens, shaded borders, and naturalized landscapes, where it can create a carpet of greenery that adds depth and texture to the surroundings. Its adaptability to partial to full shade makes it an excellent choice for areas where other plants might struggle to thrive. Flowers Of The Perennial In the spring, it produces unusual, bell-shaped flowers that hide beneath the leaves, making them somewhat inconspicuous. The flowers are typically brownish-red and have a unique, intricate structure. While not showy in the traditional sense, they have an intriguing and mysterious quality that adds to the plant's charm. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, wild ginger plays a role in supporting local wildlife. The plant provides shelter and habitat for small creatures like insects and salamanders, contributing to the overall biodiversity of the woodland ecosystem. This perennial plant is also appreciated for its low-maintenance nature. Once established, it requires little care, making it a favorite among gardeners looking to add a touch of elegance to shaded areas with minimal effort. In summary, Wild Ginger is a fascinating and distinctive perennial plant known for its heart-shaped leaves and unique, inconspicuous flowers. Whether used as a ground cover in woodland gardens or to enhance shaded borders and naturalized landscapes, it adds a touch of elegance and mystery to outdoor spaces. Its role in supporting local wildlife and its low-maintenance requirements make it a cherished choice for those seeking to enhance their gardens and landscapes' natural beauty and biodiversity. Shop Today At Garden Plant Nursery

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Perennials are plants with a long life span, often living for several years

Easy Perennial Choices in Gardens When adding perennial plants to your garden, it is essential to choose wisely. We will discuss some of the most accessible perennial choices that you can make for your garden. These plants will be low maintenance and easy to keep alive.

Daffodils grow well in most soils and climates, requiring very little maintenance. Just make sure to plant them in a spot where they will get plenty of sun, and you will be able to enjoy their cheerful blooms for many years to come.

Buttercups grow well in both sun and shade, and they require very little water once they are established. They also come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes.

Solomans Seal Soloman’s seal is an excellent choice because it offers beautiful leaves in addition to spectacular blooms. It grows well in partial shade, so if you have a spot that gets sun but not direct sunlight all day long, then Solomon’s seal could be the perfect plant for you.

We Offer Rare And Exotic Plants

Dutchman’s breeches are another shade-loving perennial that is easy to care for. They produce beautiful bell-shaped flowers in the spring, and they will continue to bloom until late summer. Dutchman breeches also grow well in most soils, so you don’t have to worry about them not adapting.

Garden Plants Nursery Offers Many Wonderful Plants

Orange daylily is an easy-to-grow perennial bloom in the early summer and provides bright orange flowers to liven up any garden. Daylilies only need partial shade, so they are a great choice if you have a spot in your yard that gets some sun but not all day long. Conclusion When choosing perennials for your garden, it is essential to select low-maintenance plants and easy to care for. These five plants are perfect examples of perennials that will thrive with little effort from you. So go ahead and add them to your garden this year – you won’t regret it.